Nature's Daughter's Fashion Show (Quadriptych)
acrylic on formed wood panel, metal foil, collage
The photo shows a photoshopped version image of a woman, "Nature's Daughter" (seen unadorned in third panel) wearing each of her 3 bird outfits in this unconventional interactive quadriptych art piece. The main panel is 4' x 2', and each of the 3 bird "outfit" panels are 2' x 3' or below.
The photo shows a photoshopped version image of a woman, "Nature's Daughter" (seen unadorned in third panel) wearing each of her 3 bird outfits in this unconventional interactive quadriptych art piece. The main panel is 4' x 2', and each of the 3 bird "outfit" panels are 2' x 3' or below.